15 Minutes to Feel Good: Part 1 – The Introduction
This 2-part podcast offers a quick way to feel good in yourself no matter what is going on in your life right now. It is also on Facebook with a transcript of the introduction and guidelines.
15 Minutes to Feel Good: Part 2 – The Practice
This 2-part podcast offers a quick way to feel good in yourself no matter what is going on in your life right now. It is also on Facebook with a transcript of the introduction and guidelines.
Alan’s 2023 New Year Greeting
Alan chats on New Year’s afternoon about befriending your inner weather, being happy when you’re alone, and about death and letting go.
The mystery of longing
Our lives right now are full of longing that is sometimes hard to bear. When will we ever celebrate normal life again? This guided journey gives you a way to be with your longing that lifts you up rather than dragging you down, and enables you to keep a certain lightness of being no matter what is happening in the world.
How to make friends with yourself
Alan Lowen, founder of The Art of Being®, guides you through a life-changing process – a way to lighten your heaviness when it’s happening, to dissolve all kinds of personal distress and to say goodbye to loneliness and depression.
Copyright Alan Lowen, The Art of Being® 2020
Being lonely, avoiding loneliness and BEING ALONE
When were you last lonely? When will you next be lonely? It’s a theme many of us confronted over the past weeks and months. But not only then! And while we may be adept at avoiding loneliness, what does that tell us about ourselves? Listen to Alan Lowen, founder of The Art of Being®, and learn what media entertainments and the internet have to do with your inner no-go areas. Above all, get inspired!
Copyright Alan Lowen, The Art of Being® 2020
Real intimacy lies beyond words
Alan talking (with German translation) in an Art of Being Zoom meeting on May 7, 2020.
We need to go beyond words to find our deepest connection with ourselves and with each other. I regard language and music as the two greatest gifts of being human. Treasure them, and allow them to draw you into the the mysterious sound of silence.
Together, Alone, Happy!
Alan talks in a Zoom meeting about the opportunity social distancing provides us to find real friendship with ourselves.
Just being myself – but HOW?
Alan talks with workshop participants about how our everyday life is transformed when it is no longer run by our personality trips and social conditioning. He vividly describes what it takes to bring about this radical change and how it gives you a brand new perspective on what it really means to BE YOURSELF!
Edit note: This podcast has been edited to remove the German translation, so in just a couple of places there is an unavoidable fragment of the translator’s voice (it doesn’t interfere).
Alan’s radio talk about our fear of death and letting go
In this Czech Radio interview (conducted in English) Alan discusses how being afraid of death contributes to being unhappy in our ordinary everyday life. He makes the connection with having difficulty letting go when life asks this of us, and describes how we can make friends with our fears, transform our lives and gracefully accept our mortality.
Breathe out and let yourself be!
Even as you listen to this 2-minute podcast of Alan talking to people in his relationship workshop today (May 19), you can begin to enhance your whole life with this simple, natural practice. All you have to do is remember to breathe out!
Tantra and those fears that run our lives
About journey from fears to celebration of our whole being.
If you want to know what meditation is don’t scratch the itch
I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I enjoyed talking to participants in one of my workshops. It’s about how I discovered the magic of meditation in my years as a disciple of the Indian mystic master, Osho Rajneesh, and why you have to choose not to scratch the itch if you really want to experience the state of boundless presence that meditation is all about.
Never mind the soaps, you are NOT your personality!
In this short talk, Alan Lowen nails the personal and social delusion that runs our world. He has more to say about it in his Autumn 2016 newsletter.
Don’t be dead scared! Be alive scared!
A short workshop talk from Alan about fear and desire, in which he offers a very simple way to be with your scary experiences.
LIFE, LOVE, THE MYSTERY and SOAP OPERAS: What it’s all about!
I gave this short talk at the end of the Body, Heart & Soul Training in Czech Republic last November. Listening to it recently, it says so much that matters about life, love, the present moment and the mystery of eternity that I spent some time cutting out all the Czech translation and cleaning it up to make it easy to listen to in English. It does come back to earth at the end!
Hurting people close to you, a lesson on friendship and intimate relationship (from The Art of Being Training Sep 2014)
The magic in the first and last thing you will ever do in this life
The importance of being generous
Who celebrated your sexual awakening?
Why women bond so much easier than men
Resisting beautiful medicine
Friends, I gave this talk on the second morning of this Easter’s Body, Heart & Soul 1 workshop in Switzerland. It has important things to say about the resistance that can be such a self-sabotaging force for a few people in the early stages of a workshop, even one that is essentially an invitation into the experience of sensual and erotic ecstasy.
And here, just for balance, is what one woman – whose work commitments did not allow her to stay the whole week – wrote to me after leaving at the end of the 4th day: “Standing in the goodbye circle I felt more alive, more whole, more sensual, more feminine and more free than I ever did before. Something profound has changed…” Simone (Switzerland)
You don’t have to live in a box
So what is The Art of Being?
Your celebration, your devotion, your secret! In 38 years, this is the closest I have ever come to saying what The Art of Being really is, because in the end it cannot be captured with words. You have to discover it in yourself!